Saturday, March 8, 2008


i went to give blood today- and many of you probably do not know that I have failed so many times that my rate of success is 20%. So today, they test my iron the first time and i was under (11.9)- then they tested me again on the other hand and I was 15.7! just goes to show how accurate those tests are!
so I go lay down in their chair and they begin the ritual process of checking my arms for veins multiple times. then the woman sticks me- and she messed up- it hurt a lot because she had to pull it out a little bit ad then put it back in- I didn't even make it another two minutes before I told them to pull it out.

now I am typing this whole thing with one hand because my arm hurts like heck when I flex it or bend it- and it is going to bruise

I feel like never giving blood again- but I will probably keep trying

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, can I sympathize!!!
The one and ONLY time I gave blood, the nurse skewered my arm, moved and wiggled the needle around multiple times while IN my arm, gave me a hard time because I wasn't squeezing my fist hard or fast enough and taking too long, and then when I was done and practically passed out, she said, "well, I guess that's good enough," (emphasis on "guess").
And on top of all that, my mom and sister who came with me were both anemic, so no solidarity there!
It has scarred me for life.